Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Harmony Part IV

   Both champions of Homeopathy, the Matthew's rely on this alternative medicine not only for their own own ills and hygiene cleanliness-or lack there of from the looks of their kitchen with food scraps haphazardly scattered about, or the sharing of their shower space with a trickle of recently hatched baby chicklets which were allowed to nurse in their own, rarely picked up waste, and replenished themselves w/ the scarce amount of grubby H20 left in a water dispenser-but also as a treatments for their livestock's maladies. 

   According to Blue Shield, Homeopathy is defined as 'a non-toxic system of medicine used to treat illness and relieve discomfort of a wide variety of health conditions.' It's two core principles involve the 'Law of Similars' (where preparation of A homeopathic solution is used to assist the symptoms of B, which would be comparable to those caused by A) and 'Potentization' (a repeated procedure of diluting a set dosage and succussion, aka vigorous shaking). Using non-toxic substances is noble enough and I'm no skeptic when it comes to some of our anti-bacterial prescription practices being a likely source of the increased number of asthma cases; but when Samuel Hahnemann (it's German physician founder) started Homeopathy, while bypassing the Scientific Method, it's hard to swallow as a legitimate practice of medicine.

   During my 3-week stay, a half-dozen fowls came down with an assortment of afflictions, ranging from varicose eyelids resulting in temporary blindness, broken lower limbs and unidentified sluggish ailments. The sick birds were brought to a designated infirmary coop or carrier where Mrs. Matthews would pour the same dose of homeopathic medicine into their drinking water and/or place a diluted portion on the affected region. Of the 6, I saw 1 fully recover, 3 die, and 2 still wearily clinging to life. When a 'homeopath' couple permits hatchlings to wallow in bestial filth in the upstairs master bathroom, who knows what microbes or viruses are festering in the fields?

   The birds weren’t the only resident animals suffering from misguided treatment. When I first saw the two inhabitant alpacas, Carlos said that the one aimlessly grazing a patch of grass was temporarily blind. After close examination, it’s eyelids appeared dilated, much the same as with one of the aforementioned chickens, in addition to a dark, opaque pair of eyeballs. The same diluted dosage got applied to the infected area of the peculiar, wool-producing, four-legged mammal.

   The worst case of animal abuse had to be the hackjob horn removal of Billy, the first goat brought to Harmony. Billy was neutered by the time he became Matthew’s property. In order to pacify a male’s goat customary, aggressive behavior is to dehorn them in addition to castration. By the time he matured, with no female counterparts around at the time, his inherent tendencies were instead directed at head-butting whoever was around when things didn’t go his way. Rather than get a farm animal veterinarian to go about the procedure, Larry attempted it himself. How he went about hacking the pair of cranial projecting bones off, I never figured out. Any information I acquired was gathered thru Carlo’s broken English. Technical talk was lost in translation, and the biting of my tongue became a regular occurrence when approaching some of Larry or Jessica unorthodox ways. Ultimately it was their property, and my position as a beholden guest wasn't to come across as accusatory.

   To treat the lacerated area, who knows what diluted solution was placed on it. Commonplace disinfectants, or other chemical anti-bacterial liquids obtainable at the local pharmacy were few and far between at Harmony-after getting slashed. Hydrogen Peroxide was the only one I happened upon; tucked away in one of the laundry room selves. During my stat, Billy suffered through his second worm infestation within the cut away area. The Matthews recommended we place sugar-water on the skull in order to get the worms creep out of the skull. From the previous experience using the same suggestion, Carlos realized it's lack of success. In it's place, we used a common ruminant anti-parasitic spray he became familiar with during his prior livestock work. 

   Before we began this job one Thursday morning, Carlos informed me that I would perform the role of 'doctor' and was needed to pin Billy down on all fours in the pasture while he applied the spray. Not exactly an easy task. He's a third of my size, but can still put on a fight and found a way to wiggle away from my grip once or twice. Seconds after the anti-worm aerosol dispersed, a few dozen or so, teenie, hair-raising freeloaders scurried away from the skirmishing goat and onto the grass. 

 Billy was happy, as far as goats go, I assume by the time I left, no thanks to the misguided life-styles of it's possessors, of course. If these folk showed a bit more care and allowed knowledgeable professionals to care for the animals rather than their trial-and-error, in addition to unsantiary, approach on treatment, its reasonable to think that there wouldn't have been 3 dead birds and one wormed goat during my 3-week Buxton, Oregon sojourn.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Harmony Part III

   Following dinner and the watering of the plants, I caught up on a little before Larry and Jessica Matthews returned home around 8. While leafing through Matthew Lewis's "The Monk", it occurred to me the strangeness of an farm owners not showing up to their property till well into the night due to a day job beckoning. When he did finally show up, Larry had scarcely anything but terse responses to questions shot his way from his wife and myself. Baring a striking resemblance to Mr. Montgomery Burns, and possessing the same grouchiness, he set off a tense mood as wolfed down his Foster Farm Chicken, greens, and personal favorite post-dinner popcorn. Figured a long day at the stovepipe/fireplace show was the likely cause of his short answers, and that I could uncover more of what led him into farming and what I could expect out of the work in the morrow. His wife and I tried our best lightening the mood and talked of our interests, family history, travelling, and whatnot.

   It was 9:30 by the time the Matthews finished their supper, and after discovering Carlos was expected at 7 the next morning, I opted to head downstairs and read a little before bedtime. Not long after hitting the sack, a keyboard and bass-driven sound, with a cheesy, low-budget horror flick soundtrack tinge to it, crept its way thru the floor panels of the main floor up ahead. A faint, indiscernible, soft voice was heard speaking above the 'music could almost be made out. I first passed it off as the sound of the washing machine, which was planted directly overhead. 

   It wasn't till 2 weeks of hearing it nightly before I conjured up the energy to asked him what was up with the noise. Dubbed 'Diamond Consciousness', Australian Futurist Fatima Bacot produced it to go along with her views on 2012 and her views on the Mayan Calendar. According to the Keys of Shambhalla website, 'the renewal, transformation and ascension of humanity and the Earth has been her focus. Her work is founded upon the co-creation of Universal Consciousness, Peace and Unity and the forecasted passage into a New Evolutionary Agenda....Beginning first with Astrology at the age of 18, Fatima has been a lifelong student of spirituality and easily able to present a visionary yet balanced, razor-sharp clarity regarding the Big Picture of the prophecies, initiations, challenges, personal and collective changes unfolding and exponentially accelerating as part of the anticipated Shift in Consciousness – and how to seamlessly navigate such changes. She is focused upon the translation of the outworkings of the Divine Plan as humanity ascends into Universal Consciousness.' Additionally, her DC teachings emphasize: 

    -Freedom from fear, conflict and outdated belief patterns, worldviews and ideologies
    -Illuminating the Big Picture 
    -Focused Heart-based intent, sovereignty, support, healing, action and groupwork

    I try my best and claim not to know everything, but with the Y2K scare back in 2000 and the countless 'end-of-the world' prophecies over the centuries coming to pass without much hoopla, I don't take too much stock in folks predicting the catastrophic futures; especially when the person who's telling me what will happen, honestly believes to be a prophet and purchased 40 acres of land to help those of us still around after the 'Divine Plan' takes effect in 2012. 

   In terms of singularities witnessed in my life for an extended period, only his wife, Jessica, is one of the few on the same level as Larry. One night at the dining table, I mentioned Ireland was one of my personal favorite countries I've visited. She immediately asked whether or not I believed in 'the Little People'. Took me a few secs to realize she was talking about leprechauns rather than people with a diminutive stature. According to Mrs. Matthews, a friend of hers glimpsed one during her travels on the emerald island.

  On top of believing in the existence of mythical, fairy-tale creatures, Jessica is a proponent of the Silva Method, widely viewed as a pseudoscience. According to Wikipedia, the method 'claims to increase an individual's IQ and sense of personal well-being by developing their higher brain functions'. According to Jessica, when encountering a problem, she could solve it by initially visualizing it in the mind before acting on it physically, through the Silva Method. The key is to mentally picturing yourself completing a task before it can be accomplished.

Road Trip Tunes:
The Roots, 'Things Fall Apart' (Dynamite!)
Portishead, 'Portishead' (Only You)
Tom Waits, 'Orphans' (The Long Way Home)